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App Permissions and Notifications

Set up app permissions and notifications to allow Reconnect Community to function smoothly.

Stephen Quirk avatar
Written by Stephen Quirk
Updated over a week ago

Note: This article is designed to help program participants using the Reconnect Community app. This information can also be found on the participant support site -

Setting Permissions for the First Time

When you install and sign in to Reconnect Community for the first time you will be prompted to allow a number of permissions. It is important to grant these permissions to use the Reconnect Community app well.

Reviewing and Adjusting Permissions and Notifications

Follow the steps below if you are experiencing issues with notifications or permissions. These steps may vary depending on your device and operating system.

Android Permissions:

  • Go to Settings

  • Go to Apps and Notifications

  • Scroll down the list until you find the Reconnect Community app. You may see a shortened list of available apps, if Reconnect Community is not shown at first, select the See all (number) apps.

  • Once Reconnect Community is selected, you will see several settings options.

  • Select Permissions

  • There will be two lists Allowed and Denied

  • Make sure that all permissions are allowed.

  • Note: Some Android phones allow you to specify when an app can access location. If you are given those options, select Allow All the Time.

Android Notifications:

  • Go to Settings

  • Go to Apps and Notifications

  • Scroll down the list until you find the Reconnect Community app. You may see a shortened list of available apps, if Reconnect Community is not shown at first, select the See all (number) apps.

  • Once you click on Reconnect Community you will have several options to adjust Reconnect Community settings.

  • Select Notifications

  • Confirm that all notifications are on for Reconnect Community

iOS Permissions:

  • Go to Settings

  • Select Reconnect Community

  • Select Location to Always

  • Select Photos to All Photos

  • Turn on Microphone

  • Turn on Camera

  • Turn on Background App Refresh

  • Turn on Notifications

iOS Notifications:

  • From the Permissions menu, go to Notifications

  • Within the Notifications menu, turn on Critical Alerts and Notifications

  • Confirm that visual and sound alerts are allowed

  • If you have iOS 15 or higher, make sure you are not using the Scheduled Summary feature for Reconnect Community notifications.

Other issues that may cause problems with notifications

  • Letting your battery get below the 10%-15% threshold may impact your phone’s settings by default. We highly recommend that you keep your batter charged as much as possible to prevent any issues with notifications.

  • Internet service interruptions may prevent the phone from receiving notifications.

  • Having your device on Do Not Disturb or using "focus" settings.

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